It is important to first understand that the rate of hair growth is predetermined by genetics. Before you are even born, your body already knows the rate of growth, how long your hair will grow (terminal length; i.e. how your arm hair does not grow as long as your hair on your head.) and the thickness of your hair.
That being said, there are still many different ways to increase the overall health, shine, length of your hair.
Diet is key! Try incorporating more protein into your diet like eggs, nuts and dairy. This will help to increase the strength of your delicate strands of hair.
Learn how to properly clean your hair. Shampoo only needs to be applied to your scalp! All too often we hear from clients that shampoo is being applied all over (roots to ends.) This will damage your fragile ends! The reason we use shampoo is to cleanse the hair and scalp of dirt and oil accumulated over time. Your natural oils produced by your scalp do not travel down to the ends of your hair, therefore, the ends of your hair do not need to be shampooed! When you rinse out the shampoo, it will rinse past your ends to clean them up just the right amount!
Microscopic image of healthy hair vs damaged hair.
Condition daily! By condition, I do not mean just conditioner, (which is very important). Using oil daily (Oi Oil by Davines**, or some type of Moroccan oil,) will help seal split ends, make styling easier, protect your hair from the elements and contribute to overall shine. Weekly deep-conditioning treatments will penetrate deep into the hair shaft to protect and nourish from the inside out! (Added bonus-masks help with colour longevity!)
Oi Oil by Davines
Brush-but do it gently! It is important not to rip through any tangles, instead, work your way up with a paddle brush from tips to roots, gently removing any knots. When brushing your hair, take a few minutes to do a mini scalp-massage with your brush. This will increase blood flow to your scalp, help remove any buildup from your scalp and it feels amazing! To keep hair tangle-free overnight, tie your hair in a loose braid or pony tail, this will make your morning hair routine easier, as well as minimizing the amount of damage that tangled hair can do.
Overall, be kind to your hair! As important as growing your hair is, it all starts with protection and damage control!
**Oi Oil by Davines can be purchased at Salon Solis, 659 Yonge St.